Cats are intelligent, social animals, and they have their way of communicating with each other. Have you ever wondered why Cat Mewos when pooping? The answer is there may be many reasons behind these Meows after pooping.
If this is your first time owning a Cat, and you hear Meows in the house, perhaps from the room where you have set a litter box for your kitty, you may get anxious about why your Cat is meowing, and questions come to mind, i) Is she in trouble? ii) Is she ok? iii) Is she stuck somewhere in the house, being a newcomer? Etc etc.
It may be a habit that your Cat meows when pooping, but it is also possible that she may have problems passing the Stool, constipation, or maybe sick and meowing in pain while defecating.
Let’s find out why Cats meow when pooping, what the reasons are, and what action you should take in this situation.
What is Cats’ Stool contains?
Cats’ stools are made of Muscles and Fibers, and Cats use their rectal muscles to squeeze out excess liquid from their feces, mostly water, electrolytes, vitamins, and fiber.
Cat Meows when pooping can be due to a hard Stool, and your Cat may be forcing the Stool out and feeling pain like a human.
When you watch your cat pooping, you’ll notice that it doesn’t look much different than when a human poops. But the muscles and fibers in cats’ Stool make them different from human feces.
In addition, Cat Stool contains special enzymes that break down proteins and other essential chemicals in cat feces.
This makes it possible for veterinarians to analyze a cat’s feces to determine what medications your kitty ate or additional important information about your Cat’s health.
Cats’ Poop Is Dark and Smells Bad
Like human feces, felines excrete their waste in feces containing bacteria and other microbes. Because cats’ stomach is so tiny and their diet is so rich in nutrients.
Cat poop is much more smelly and colorful than our waste. The smell of your Cat’s poop is due to hydrogen sulfide, a smelly substance naturally produced by all living organisms.
Cats’ dark color comes from the presence of anthranilic compounds and nitrogen. The presence of potassium and phosphorous in cat poop results in the yellowish tone of the feces.
Cat Meows when pooping may annoy you, but you must get used to it if it is habitual.
Cats Poop to Get the Toxins Out
Since Cats eat fewer vegetables or other rich plant matter, their poop is lower in fiber and nutrients than a human would produce. To counteract this, cats need to eat a lot of fiber-rich food, such as canned or dry food.
Because of the high fiber content, Cat poop has a higher concentration of harmful toxins than we produce.
The excellent news is that kitties’ pooping action can eliminate all these toxins. Cats usually poop 3 to 5 times a day, and they can go even longer without going if they’re comfortable and not stressed.
Some factors that can affect when your cat poops are the same factors that affect when a human goes pooping: diet, medications, and stress.
However, if your Cat’s Meows when pooping does not sound normal, pay a visit to VET for a checkup.
The smell is Very Important When It Comes to Pooping for Cats.
Even though cats eat very little fiber, they produce high amounts of hydrogen sulfide in their poop. Cats’ black color and pungent smell are caused by anthranilic compounds, which plants like corn and blueberry produce.
Cats also have polyamines in their poop, which cause the poop to have a strong smell. Cats’ poop contains many compounds that can smell very strong and have different smells depending on what your Cat has been eating. Therefore, a cat’s poop can tell whether your kitty has been eating a healthy diet.
If your Cat is not eating a healthy diet, you may hear Cat Meows when pooping because of stomach pain.
Why does my cat poop in the dark?
Your Cat has a habit of pooping in the dark because she can easily find her way back to the litter box if she takes off outdoors.
Cats are very good at navigating using their senses, such as hearing, smelling, and feeling their way around. Your Cat can also feel the vibrations created by walking above her if she’s using the box indoors.
Cats’ sense of smell is much stronger than humans, so they can easily navigate in the dark by smelling their way around. When it’s dark outside, your Cat can easily find her way back to the litter box by smelling her paws.
Why does my cat poop alone at night?
Many cats are very solitary by nature and will poop only when they are alone. This is because cats have scent glands all over their bodies and must frequently mark their territories so that other cats know where they poop.
Some cats poop only alone at night to ensure that nobody can smell their waste while taking a dump.
If your Cat is facing constipation, add more fiber to your Cat’s diet and hydrate more often. Constipation can be a reason why Cat Meows when pooping. Always remember that if meows sounds do not look right, pay a visit to the Vet.
We hope this article you may find the answer to “Why does Cat Meow before Pooping?”.
There is nothing to worry about if Meow while pooping is habitual, and if it Meow sounds weird while your Cat is pooping, take her to the Vet so that the Vet can do a complete check and write some medicine.