Dogs and Possums are two of the most common animals. Many homeowners have one or the other, and sometimes both. While it’s not a common problem, some dog owners are dealing with an aggressive dog that has decided to target a possum.
Possums are cute little creatures found throughout many parts of Australia. Even so, they aren’t welcome everywhere, and most people won’t even see one except if they happen to come across a dog attacking a possum video online.
Whether you own a dog or live close to one, seeing your pet chase after anything furry is bound to raise eyebrows from time to time.
This article will help you tackle the issue of whether it’s okay for your Dog to attack a possum or not. We’ll also give you some advice on what to do when Dog attacks a possum so that you can help them from biting without hurting them further.
What is a Possum?
A possum is a small marsupial that is native to Australia. Possums are squirrel-like, with skin usually grey, brown, or a mixture of these colors.
Possums are primarily nocturnal and can be found throughout many parts of the country, including urban areas. Possums are often called “rats with cat tails” because they look like small grey raccoons.
While possums are nocturnal, they are also usually active during the day. They are omnivores, meaning they will eat plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables and animal-based foods like fish, birds, eggs, and insects.
Can Dogs Bite Possums?
Yes, but not usually. Possums are not a species that is generally threatening to Dogs and not one that dogs commonly see as prey.
Possums are not a primary source of a canine target, although they are familiar enough that many dogs are likely to encounter them at some point in their lives.
Possums are generally not aggressive towards dogs, but there is a chance a dog could bite a possum if the two were in direct physical contact. It’s also important to note that dogs are prohibited from being off-leash in many places.
In some places, Dogs are not allowed to be in certain areas or at certain times. So, checking your local Cit Bylaws before allowing your Dog to chase after possums in the backyard is essential. Further in the article, we shall discuss what to do when Dog attacks a Possum.
Can a possum survive a dog attack?
A possum can survive a dog attack, depending on the severity of the attack and the overall health of the possum. Possums have a natural defense mechanism of playing dead, which can sometimes deter a dog from continuing the attack.
Additionally, possums have a tough hide that can provide some protection against bites. However, if the attack is severe, the possum may not survive.
It’s important to note that it is illegal to harm or kill possums in many areas, and it is best to keep dogs away.
When Does Your Dog Attack a Possum?
While dogs are relatively common in Australian Suburbia, they are not common everywhere. If your Dog has a problem with Possums, it could mean that they have an issue with these critters.
If you have a Dog with this sort of aggression, consider getting a possum-proof fence.
A fence will help keep the Possum out while keeping your Dog inside the wall. Dog Bites on Possums are infrequent, but they do happen.
It’s essential to remember that not all dogs can do this and that it’s a sign of a problem. If you notice your Dog has started chasing after possums, it is advisable to keep the Dog away or inside for some time.
If your Dog’s habit of chasing possums is severe, it could signify something more serious than a typical dog-possum encounter.
If you find out that your Dog is attacking a possum, it is best to try to stop them before calling an expert.
You can try grabbing their collar and pulling them away from the Possum, for example. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t want to hurt your Dog.
Dog Attacked Possum
Should you be worried if your Dog Attacks Possum? The answer is yes and no; the reasons behind this is if your Dog is vaccinated against rabies when you shouldn’t worry if it attacks Possum and bite it.
So, if you live in an area where you see possums, it is advisable to visit a Vet and get your Dog vaccinated because a Possum can still spread rabies to Dogs.
Why Does Your Dog Have a Problem With Possums?
It’s important to understand why your Dog is aggressive towards possums if you want to help them from biting. It’s also important to note that this sort of aggression is often a symptom of something bigger.
If your Dog has a problem with possums, it could mean that they are also aggressive toward other animals and people. In this case, you may need professional help to figure out what’s happening and fix it.
If your Dog has a problem with possums, it could be because they are using the Possum to mark territory. Dogs mark their territory with urine, scat, and other types of scent marking.
If your Dog has a problem with possums, they may use their attack to mark their territory.
Coincidentally, it’s also possible that your Dog is also territorial towards other animals and birds in your neighborhood.
If your Dog is marking their territory and attacking possums, it could be because you live in a community where possums are common. If this is the case, you may consider moving to a place with less pestering wildlife.
What to Do If You’re Present at the Scene of the Possum Attack
If you were in the area when your Dog attacked Possum, you’d want to try to stop them from doing so as soon as possible. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t want to hurt your Dog.
If you try to pull them away from the Possum, they may bite you and get hurt. Instead, you want to allow the Dog to do what they want while you try to prevent them from doing anything that might cause them to bite. You can do a few things to prevent your Dog from attacking a possum.
One way that works is to get your Dog as far away from the Possum as possible. You can use a dog whistle to distract your Dog while you walk away.
If your Dog is too close to the Possum, you can try to distract them by throwing a ball or using a dog toy to get their attention. However, an excellent way to prevent your Dog from attacking a possum is to get them as far away from the Possum as possible.
Dogs are naturally joyful and playing creatures, trying to move around and find things to play with. First, knowing what to do When Dog Attacks a Possum is essential, and what the countermeasures are.
If your Dog is fully vaccinated, then you do not need to worry about your Dog health, but on the other hand, you need to work on Dog training not to hurt or attack a possum.